About Me

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I'm a 17 year old fitness & and clean eating lover who wants to share her journey through growth and recovery with others.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

My Story(at a glance)


My Story (at a glance)

I grew up like every other American family: fast food, frozen pizzas, processed foods. Looking back I cant believe how far I have come. I've always known the importance of exercise and living healthy due to my mother and her fitness background. It's crazy how i used to believe it was ok for me to come home from practice and deserve 3 pieces of pizza and a huge bowl of ice cream. I really used to believe that my horrible acne and thick thighs were hereditary. About March(2016) I had began to desire change in not only my lifestyle but also my appearance. I remember feeling so sick after eating 3 cupcakes and tons of snacks on Easter and wondering why I put myself through that. Through some research i discovered Kayla Itsines sweat app and decided to do her 7 day trial. I enjoyed it but decided to wait until summer where I would have the time to focus on it since it cost $20 a month. I began exercising in some form or fashion a few days a week along with school soccer season and lost about 10 pounds(I went from about 130ish to 120ish). Did i forget to mention that I'm an identical twin who has always been compered to her cute, boyfriend-having sister, who has been 15 pounds lighter than me ever since I can remember, even though she exercised less than me. Anyways, summer arrived and i began Kayla Itsines sweat app and really focusing on my diet. I no longer eat fast food(unless its chickfila salads on rare occasions), big bowls of ice cream that were apart of my nightly routine, pasta, bread, or really anything that isn't whole foods. I fell in love with clean eating. I'm quite proud of my determination to change and that i was able to make a change. Since this summer(a little over a month) I've gotten down to 108 pounds through daily exercise and clean eating. Now that I'm happy and confident, it's time for me to focus not so much on losing but maintaining my weight. Its hard to stop wanting that scale to go down like it used to. Sorry for the rambling, but I'm not much of a storyteller. I hope that sharing my journey encourages or helps a single person whether they're going through a similar journey or not. Never forget to be happy, be healthy, and be the best you that you can be.


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